Privacy Policy @COMPANYCSP

Last modified: November 23, 2023
Effective date: November 23, 2023

  1. @COMPANYCSP is a delivery company (delivery) with its own delivery employees, which receives orders from customer for a store, collect and delivery order to customer. We use contact information of individuals for delivery purpose. When you use @COMPANYCSP , you trust us with your personal data. We’re dedicated to keeping that trust.

  2. This notice applies to users (customers) of @COMPANYCSP services anywhere. For example, we may collect the contact information of individuals while registering who users our mobile application for delivery purpose

  3. @COMPANYCSP collects: Data provided by users to @COMPANYCSP , such as during account creation Data provided by users. This includes, User profile: We collect data when users create or update their @COMPANYCSP accounts. This may include their name, phone number, and address. Further, we collect Current Location Information as well for the reason explained below. The users can see the merchants on our app who are within 3KM radios from current location of the user. In addition, we use the user’s location info for delivery efficiency such as to show the shortest delivery path for delivery riders.

  4. How we use personal data
    @COMPANYCSP collects and uses data to enable reliable and convenient delivery service. We also use the data we collect:

    For customer support

  5. User Data policy
    Within this app’s user data policy, any sort of personal data or sensitive data are not accessed or used. The app requests user phone number only with user’s permission which is used for user login.

  6. Privacy point of contact
    If you have any inquiries, concerns, or requests regarding your privacy or the information outlined in this privacy policy, please contact our Privacy Point of Contact at the following email address:

    We are committed to addressing and resolving any privacy-related issues promptly and transparently.

@COMPANYCSP does not sell or share user personal data with third parties for their marketing.

  1. Cookies and third-party technologies: @COMPANYCSP use cookies to store and process @COMPANYCSP data. @COMPANYCSP don’t use cookies to collect personal data of users.

  2. Data sharing: We may also share limited data with our employees for delivery purpose.

  3. For legal reasons or in the event of a dispute @COMPANYCSP may share users’ personal data if we believe it’s required by applicable law, regulation, or governmental, or where the disclosure is otherwise, appropriate due to safety or similar concerns. This includes sharing personal data with law enforcement officials, other government authorities

  4. Data retention: @COMPANYCSP retains user profile, and other personal data for as long as a user maintains their account. @COMPANYCSP may retain certain user data from unused account if necessary, such as to comply with legal requirements.

  5. To provide requested services, in order to provide our services, we must collect and use certain personal data.

  6. To fulfill @COMPANYCSP ’s legal obligations @COMPANYCSP is subject to laws and regulations in Sri Lanka that require it to collect and retain data about our users. We collect and use personal data to comply with such laws.

  7. Google API (location API) We use Google API to show the current location of the delivery personal to enhance the quality of the service. But we don’t pick up the location of the customer for any reasons.

  8. Updates to this notice We may occasionally update this notice. If we make significant changes, we will notify users in advance of the changes through our website, email or SMS. We encourage users to periodically review this notice for the latest information on our privacy practices.